martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

cambiar version node

Para ver las veriones de node  nvm ls

 Si alguna vez necesitas cambiar de la versión de node, puedes simplemente ejecutar nvm use <número de versión>   por ej  nvm use v12. 18.1

martes, 22 de agosto de 2023

Subconsultas SQL

Subconsultas SQL

select id, nombre, apellido, salario from empleados where salario >=

(select avg(salario)from empleados)

lunes, 21 de agosto de 2023

Joins en Sql

Inner join 

select ordenes.id_orden, clientes.nombre

from ordenes inner join clientes on ordenes.idcliente = clientes.idcliente;

Left Join

select clientes.nombre, clientes.apellido, ordenes.id_orden
from clientes
left join ordenes on clientes.idcliente = ordenes.idcliente
order by id_orden


select cli.nombre, cli.apellido, ord.id_orden
from clientes cli
left join ordenes ord on cli.idcliente = ord.idcliente
order by ord.id_orden

Right Join

select ord.id_orden,cli.nombre,cli.apellido
from clientes cli
right join ordenes ord on ord.idcliente = cli.idcliente
order by ord.id_orden

Full Join

select ord.id_orden,cli.nombre,cli.apellido
from ordenes ord
full join clientes cli on ord.idcliente = cli.idcliente
order by ord.id_orden

Union (mismo # columnas y  tipo datos similares, no es un join)

  select contacto, ciudad, pais from clientes
  select contacto, ciudad, pais from suplidores

  select contacto, ciudad, pais from clientes
  union all
  select contacto, ciudad, pais from suplidores

select 'Cliente' as Tipo,contacto, ciudad, pais from clientes
  select 'Suplidor' as Tipo,contacto, ciudad, pais from suplidores

viernes, 28 de julio de 2023

English practice for interviews in Platzi

English practice for interviews thanks to Platzi



I am a Software Developer. Some of my strengths include working as a backend developer with 

JavaScript and PHP. I studied Telematic Engineering, and I am currently a student at Platzi. Recently, 

I worked as a backend developer for several companies, utilizing technologies such as Laravel 

and NodeJS, where I developed software for individuals from Panama and Colombia. Now, I am 

seeking to change my job, as I am very interested in working with new technologies and frameworks.



I have 5 years of experience working as a backend developer with technologies such as PHP and 

JavaScript. At the same time, I am learning new skills to work with JavaScript and PHP technologies,

specifically NodeJS and Laravel. Additionally, I have acquired experience working with database 

engines, including MySQL and PostgreSQL. I have also been able to work with the Scrum methodology, collaborating with co-workers to assist them with their tasks.


Why do you want to work for this company and why 

should we hire you?

I admire your company’s results in the industry, and I would like to get experience working with 

the same technologies.I am goal-oriented, and I deliver exceptional results working for many companies developing software.

Since I have worked with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other 

cultures. I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in working with new 

technologies to achieve company goals.


Talking about your skills and competencies

Due to my technical skills I have a natural ability to get along with people and participate in teams with many talents. I have built a good relationship with work colleagues and I like to help them to improve 

their skills. I would like to learn new technologies quickly and use my abilities to get goals for the company and our team.


What are your strengths and weaknesses?


I am detail-oriented in projects I work on. I like to collaborate with co-workers without knowledge. I am very organized and disciplined, and I prioritize communication instead of anything. It’s the most important skill in a team.


Sometimes I recognize I am slow with my work. Being too detailed makes me slow with my task. But I have to say my work quality is very well when I deliver projects, and I am happy about that.


Salary expectaion

Example I: My salary expectation is between $A and $B because my experience in these technologies and my experience with important projects in the industry make me prepared for this position.

Example II: According to my qualifications, experience, and professional achievement, I would 

expect a salary in the range of $A and $B.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I am very interested to see how technological progress in the world. It is really fascinating to 

see it. But I don’t want to be only a user, I want to help to build it. I would like to work with 

people with the same interests and with vanguard technology all my life, and AI is the current way. 

Also, I know that English is very important to achieve this goal and I want to use it and improve 

it a lot.


Answering situational questions

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

It’s OK if we have different opinions o way with a coworker. The most important thing between us is 

communication. Without communication will be serious problems in the team and the leader, or I 

as the lead, need to organize a one-to-one meeting to solve the problem.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

In the past, I make that mistake and I regret it. I didn’t ask for help and if I could do it, the 

problem have been very easy to solve. Since then, I ask for help always I need it. It’s easy and 

very significant to find support from the rest of the team.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?

It’s not a difficulty for me. I am looking for new challenges constantly. I need to solve new 

problems because I bored quickly, and I need to learn more about my work.

4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

In the past, I spoke with my boss about my vision for the work, and It’s important to communicate. 

Many times the boss is wrong from my perspective and that it’s OK. I have to collaborate on the 

issue with my experience.

5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

First of all, I could talk with this member about why he doesn’t reach his goals. It’s my work to 

help him with his tasks. Later a few weeks, the member doesn’t improve with his goals, I talk 

about it with him again and find for external help.


Questions for the interviewer

How would you describe the company culture?

What do you like most about working here?

How do you define and measure success for this role?

What are the three most important things that you would like me to accomplish in the first six months if I were hired?

What do you think is the most challenging aspect of this position?

Will I have the opportunity to meet the team during the interview process?

Are there opportunities for professional growth?

..the next steps and how you should follow up.

lunes, 24 de julio de 2023

English practice with Chatgpt in Platzi

Chatgpt english practice

You are a fluent English speaker and you are going to help me practice my English Skills.

1-test my knowledge on common idioms from North American work culture with a multiple choice short quiz.

2-Create a short, creative and fiction story about two friends who go on vacation to another planet.

  The story shouldn't have more than 250 words.

 -Ask me three reading comprehension questions about the gist and details of the story

 -Ask me three reading comprehension questions about the gist and details of the story with a multiple choice short quiz

3-I want to have a casual conversation with you. I want you to use phrasal verbs and idioms in 

every question you ask me and in every response. This is a dialogue so you start with the 

first question only and then you wait for my response before asking me another question. 

 - Show me the phrasal verbs in this convesration so far:

4- create a conversation about a couple who are doing grocery shopping but are unsure about 

what to buy.

 - choose 3 words realted to food and ask me vocabulary questions to see if i know the

meaning in english.

5-From the following text, replace 10 words whit their synonyms.

  ...your text here

-Tell me which words you replaced.

-Rewrite the same story replacing the previous words with their antonyms.

6- Check this text and give me feedback on speeling and grammar. Show me the mistakes and tell me why they are incorrect.

   ....your  text here

7-  Gime me 5 sentences with common prepositions:

 -Give me 5 sentences with uncommon prepositions:

8-I want to practice the present perfect structure, I am having problems whit the past 

participle. Can you gime 5 gap fill sentences for me practice. Don’t show me the answers until 

I ask you and show me the corresponding verbs in brackets.

-Show me the answers

viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

Tips de Debugging al momento de programar

Reglas generales

-No te molestes con el debugger. Aprende a utilizar el print statement.

-Estudia los datos disponibles.

-Utiliza los datos para crear hipótesis y experimentos.

Método científico

-Ten una mente abierta. Si entendieras el programa, probablemente no habría bugs.

-Lleva un registro de lo que has tratado, preferentemente en la forma de tests.

Diseño de experimentos

-Debuger es un proceso de búsqueda. Cada prueba debe acotar el espacio de búsqueda.

-Búsqueda binaria con print statements.

Errores comunes

-Encuentra a los sospechosos comunes.

-En lugar de preguntarte por qué un programa no funciona, pregúntate por qué está funcionando de esta manera.

-Es posible que el bug no se encuentre donde crees que está-

-Explícale el problema a otra persona. De preferencia que no tenga contexto.

-Lleva un registro de lo que has tratado, preferentemente en la forma de tests.

-Vete a dormir.

-No te rindas, no te frustres.

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2023

Actualizar paquetes para poder crear un proyecto en Laravel 10

Actualizar paquetes para poder crear un proyecto en Laravel 10 💡 :

1. Ejecutar composer clearcache

2. Ejecutar composer selfupdate

martes, 3 de enero de 2023

Pasos para crear hipótesis antes de iniciar el proceso de validación.

 Escribe en una frase el problema

"El problema que estoy intentando solucionar es …X…" (Escribe la lista de aspectos que conforman el problema que crees que existe.)

++Define el usuario al que quieres llegar: ++

“Mi cliente es …X…” (Describe todo lo que imaginas de esa persona que crees que tiene el problema)

++Escribe la solución que tienes en mente: ++

“Mi solución es X” (Todo lo que piensas que el cliente va a valorar acerca de tu solución)

Si no escribes tus hipótesis no tienes una casilla de salida clara.

Basado en el curso de Platzi

Blogs Colombia